Category: Video

The Cold Valley

The Cold Valley

My mother passed away on Mother’s Day May 8, 2022. 

Since that day, I’ve been taking some time to retreat and gather my thoughts. 

The day my mother passed away, I knew things would be different afterwards, but I didn’t know how.

It’s been a hard time. It’s been a lonely time. It’s been a heartbreaking time.

I’ve gained a new appreciation for people, for friends, for life in general, and for not missing opportunities when they present themselves.

For those that have been supportive and encouraging and just been there… thank you.

Kings of Miami (Music Video)

Bad Boys X Jaydan


I always thought this Jaydan track would fit perfectly with this insane car chase from Bad Boys II, so I decided to smash them together!


For demonstration purposes only.

Bad Boys II © Columbia Pictures
King of Miami © Propaganda Recordings